
The Harley Street Egg Bank was founded in 2020. We work in partnership with Harley Street Fertility Clinic, one of the UK's leading fertility clinics, to provide access to a large online database of UK recruited and registered egg donors.

We were founded with the aim of providing easy access to egg donation treatment within the UK. Thus alleviating the burden for patients of having to travel abroad for this treatment.

Harley Street Fertility Clinic was founded in 2010 with the aim of providing comprehensive, world class and easy to access treatment. As such, we have always tried to offer all services on site. We have recruited egg donors from our very first days. Over the years we have recruited many egg donors and helped numerous patients achieve a pregnancy using donor eggs.

Around 2015, our egg freezing programme was optimised and we were able freeze eggs from donors rather than having to match them in a fresh donoation without having an impact on the success rates. The option of freezing eggs for donation is more convenient because this allows both the donor and the recipient to have treatment when it is convenient for them. This led to the development of our very own "egg bank".

In 2020 we launched Harley Street Egg Bank to provide convenient access to our donor egg catalogue online.

We understand that starting a family is life changing decision and we are here to provide support and hold your hand through your journey, so please do not hesitate to contact us at any time if you are unsure of anything.

If you are thinking of becoming a donor, we would first like to say "Thank you" for your generous thought. Find out how you could change someone’s life by clicking here.